How do you rate your comic on...
Background & Focus
Click on OOPS, FAIR, FINE and MINT above and choose the example that best matches your comic
A single background is used throughout the comic. The focus (point of view) has not been adjusted in any panel.
At least one panel has a change of background, setting, or focus.
Multiple backgrounds and/or focuses are used and generally help convey the writer’s ideas.
Background(s) and scenes are thoughtfully chosen, and focus is used effectively to highlight certain moments that add interest to the panels.
How do you rate your comic on...
Characters & Expression
Click on OOPS, FAIR, FINE and MINT above and choose the example that best matches your comic
The facial expressions of all or most characters do not change even when speaking. There is little or no variation in poses or gestures. There is no evidence of careful consideration of outfits or props.
Some characters do not accurately reflect the emotion and actions of the scene. The facial expressions of some speaking characters accurately portray the character with an open mouth to show that they are speaking.
The facial expressions of most characters reflect the emotion the character is feeling. Most poses and gestures accurately reflect the action in the scene.
Characters are visually relevant to the story or topic and facial expressions, poses, and gestures reflect the emotion and actions the writer is trying to convey. Outfits are thoughtfully selected to add detail and interest. Props, if used, are suitable for the scene.
How do you rate your comic on...
Captions & Dialog
Click on OOPS, FAIR, FINE and MINT above and choose the example that best matches your comic
There are no captions and/or text bubbles or one or more incorrect bubble types were used.
There is no variation in the types of text bubbles used, making it difficult for some readers to follow the story or topic.
Captions and/or different types of text bubbles are used (speech, thought, whisper, shout) but may not clearly present the story or topic. The comic is easily understood by the reader.
Captions are used effectively as a narration tool and are relevant to the story or topic. Speech, thought, shout, and whisper bubbles are used to indicate dialogue among characters, reveal characters’ thoughts, and illustrate context. Sound effects (onomatopoeia) are used as appropriate.
How do you rate your comic on...
Spelling & Grammar
Click on OOPS, FAIR, FINE and MINT above and choose the example that best matches your comic
There are significant grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation errors which make it impossible to understand the story or topic presented.
There are multiple grammar, spelling, capitalization, and/or punctuation errors, but the story or topic is generally understood.
There are a few grammar, spelling, capitalization, and/or punctuation errors.
The comic is free of grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation errors.
How do you rate your comic on...
Click on OOPS, FAIR, FINE and MINT above and choose the example that best matches your comic
The main purpose or theme of the comic is not evident.
The comic somewhat reflects its main purpose or theme, but it does not effectively tell the story or communicate information about the topic in a way that is organized and easily understood by the reader.
The comic reflects its main purpose or theme, and it is generally accurate and effective in communicating information about the topic.
The comic clearly reflects its main purpose or theme and presents it in an effective and sequential manner. It tells the story in an engaging way, and/or it accurately communicates information about the topic.
How do you rate your comic on...
Click on OOPS, FAIR, FINE and MINT above and choose the example that best matches your comic
The final product has not been shared.
The final product has been printed, downloaded, or shared with assistance from a teacher or classmate.
The final product has been printed, downloaded, or shared with little or no assistance.
The final product has been printed, downloaded, and shared in multiple ways with no assistance.
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Your comic is:
Your completed rubric:
Criteria | Oops = 1 | Fair = 2 | Fine = 3 | Mint = 4 |
Background & Focus | A single background is used throughout the comic. The focus (point of view) has not been adjusted in any panel. | At least one panel has a change of background, setting, or focus. | Multiple backgrounds and/or focuses are used and generally help convey the writer’s ideas. | Background(s) and scenes are thoughtfully chosen, and focus is used effectively to highlight certain moments that add interest to the panels. |
Characters & Expression | The facial expressions of all or most characters do not change even when speaking. There is little or no variation in poses or gestures. There is no evidence of careful consideration of outfits or props. | Some characters do not accurately reflect the emotion and actions of the scene. The facial expressions of some speaking characters accurately portray the character with an open mouth to show that they are speaking. | The facial expressions of most characters reflect the emotion the character is feeling. Most poses and gestures accurately reflect the action in the scene. | Characters are visually relevant to the story or topic and facial expressions, poses, and gestures reflect the emotion and actions the writer is trying to convey. Outfits are thoughtfully selected to add detail and interest. Props, if used, are suitable for the scene. |
Captions & Dialog | There are no captions and/or text bubbles or one or more incorrect bubble types were used. | There is no variation in the types of text bubbles used, making it difficult for some readers to follow the story or topic. | Captions and/or different types of text bubbles are used (speech, thought, whisper, shout) but may not clearly present the story or topic. The comic is easily understood by the reader. | Captions are used effectively as a narration tool and are relevant to the story or topic. Speech, thought, shout, and whisper bubbles are used to indicate dialogue among characters, reveal characters’ thoughts, and illustrate context. Sound effects (onomatopoeia) are used as appropriate. |
Spelling & Grammar | There are significant grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation errors which make it impossible to understand the story or topic presented. | There are multiple grammar, spelling, capitalization, and/or punctuation errors, but the story or topic is generally understood. | There are a few grammar, spelling, capitalization, and/or punctuation errors. | The comic is free of grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation errors. |
Theme | The main purpose or theme of the comic is not evident. | The comic somewhat reflects its main purpose or theme, but it does not effectively tell the story or communicate information about the topic in a way that is organized and easily understood by the reader. | The comic reflects its main purpose or theme, and it is generally accurate and effective in communicating information about the topic. | The comic clearly reflects its main purpose or theme and presents it in an effective and sequential manner. It tells the story in an engaging way, and/or it accurately communicates information about the topic. |
Sharing | The final product has not been shared. | The final product has been printed, downloaded, or shared with assistance from a teacher or classmate. | The final product has been printed, downloaded, or shared with little or no assistance. | The final product has been printed, downloaded, and shared in multiple ways with no assistance. |